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18 Kids and Counting, War Dance, Uganda fun

UPDATE!! Bunk beds are needed for the School Dorms. Two or three kids have to share 1 twin bed. About 10 triple bunk beds are needed. 2 have been provided so far.
Each triple bunk bed it $83! Some beds are broken so the kids really need more beds to sleep comfortably. Awhile ago they sleep on a wooden bed with no mattress at all!!

June 8 1:16pm

New Victory kids with gifts from their sponsors and pen pals!
Mosquito nets, toiletries etc!

To become a sponsor or pen pal to a child click here and look through the kids photos.

Many kids need a pen pal and many more need sponsors to pay their school fees, of $35 per term. ALL THE KIDS ARE VERY NEEDY! Their families can't pay for them to attend school, without a sponsor the kids may no longer be able to stay in school.
You can also buy the kids gifts such as clothes, shoes, blankets, school supplies etc.

Coin purses & key chains $5 each.
Long Necklaces $15 each! All prices include shipping. When you order put the number of the item in the "note" section of paypal.

The necklaces and bracelets were made from rolled paper.
Buy Handmade African Items
Pay here with pay pal!

May 11, 8:33am

Elvin Tendo

Elly Mukisa

Sisters Kate and Beatrice

Angel Nabiryo
Sisters Esther and Angella

Siblings Sarah A and Emmanuel M

Be a sponsor to a very needy child for $35 per school term.
These kids have 2 terms of school left this year but they still have no sponsor.
They may have to leave school soon if no one helps them. $35 provides the kids with
3 months of school lunches.

Will you help one of thse kids today?

May 4, 2011 12:20pm
In Uganda
I saw kids who had holes in their socks, shoes, school uniforms and everyday clothes.
I saw kids who were couldn't even afford $5 for a school uniform.
Their school New Victory allows them to attend without a uniform but most Ugandan school don't. New Victory knows they don't have anything else to wear.
Some kids wore the same clothes everyday. Some were very skinny, dirty, or sick.
But most of all I saw kids who just wanted someone to care about them.
They want to be your friend. Most are orphans who live with a single mom, Aunt or Grandparent so they don't get much attention at home.
The school really needs more beds. 2 or 3 kids have to share each twin bed.
A mattress is $35 and a bunk bed is about the same price.

We were able to take lots of kids shopping, swimming, or to do other fun things they may have never done. We packed 18 kids in a 8 passenger van.
They all had tons of fun. Won't you donate to help get beds or other supplies for the kids? They will so happy! Any amount helps. Click on the Yellow DONATE button at the top of the blog! Thanks!
Photo's below
Getting New Shoes & gifts

The boys dorms needs more beds. Some are old and broken.

The kids scraping the bottom of the food pots to get whatever is left.

Everyone should watch the movie War Dance to see how hard life is in Uganda


  1. I just watched all 10 parts to this movie. What is there to comment? I don't have the words to say, but only a prayer to lift up to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Please Lord hear me now, protect these people of Northern Uganda. I ask for your peace, your love, your grace and your mercy to be upon them. Help the hurt and broken hearted, heal their souls with the peace that comes from knowing and living in your grace and mercy. I also pray for the rebels Lord, please soften their hearts. I pray that your Word is being sent to these people and that they know you. I pray this in Jesus's wonderful name, Amen

  2. i have this DVD it is such a good film!

  3. This is a very touching post, poverty is the result of our selfishness and greed!
    Poverty Poems


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