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The gifts arrived!

$225 is still needed for 15 pairs of shoes. Shoes are $15 each!
We don't want any child to be left out and not have shoes for school.
Feb 18, 12:36pm

Several of the kids still need a sponsor to be their friend and paypal.
In order to be a sponsor you pay $22 to help pay for the child's school lunch
and you can choose to provide the child with other needed items also! Go here to learn more about sponsorship! Thanks

As you can see in the photo below a few of the kids are wearing their new shoes
(the little girl in the front row 2nd from the right is Oliver) and she got shoes and also 2 girls in the 2nd row got some also!
The other kids are wearing either old worn shoes or sandals.
All the kids are wearing new uniforms that we raised money for a litte while ago also! Without Everyone's help they would not have nice things like that.
Every amount Helps no matter how small!

Feb 17 9:43pm
FEB 16, 2010 5:22pm
These are the kids bedrooms!
As you can see they are in need of more blankets.
On the boys top bunk bed it looks like the foam of the mattress is coming through since it's old and torn. Blankets are $10 each.
You'll get a photo of child the with their blanket when you purchase one.
Shoes are $15 to $20 and there are 24 kids who need them! 8 pairs are provided already so 16 more are still needed! THINK OF ALL THE CLOTHES,SHOES AND BLANKETS YOU HAVE AND THEN CONSIDER DONATING A LITTLE MONEY TO HELP ONE OF THESE KIDS WHO HAVE SO LITTLE! ANY AMOUNT IS GREAT! Thanks!
Boys roomGirls room

Feb 16, 5:10pm

Feb 10, 10:43am Oliver is sick with the chicken pox and here's photos of the kids praying for her. Click the Donate button on the right side of this Blog and give what you can! These kids desperately need HELP! They have no running water or electricity in the home currently and they need help paying those bills!
IF YOU BUY SHOES, A BLANKET OR ANY OTHER ITEM FOR ONE OF THE KIDS YOU WILL GET A PHOTO OF THEM WITH THEIR ITEM! THANKS! Just leave a comment with a child's name so I'll know who the item was bought for!

Lewis and friend

Scovia and little friend

Feb 6, 4:04pm

Feb 6,1:07pm The kids are praying for their new shoes! Will you donate and help answer their prayers? Any amount make a HUGE Difference

UPDATE 1:18 pm The kids are in need of new school shoes.
They cost around $15 to $20 a pair. You can donate by clicking the yellow donate button on the right side of th blog! Any Amount Helps! Thanks! 24 pairs of shoes are needed and we'll post photos here of the kids with their new shoes!
You can even specify which child gets the shoes you purchase!
Just pick a name and leave a comment on paypal when you donate.

Moses age 12 (PAID), Henry age 9(Paid), Lewis age 8(Paid) , Ronald I(paid), age 11
Daniel age 12, Nanyanzi age 4, Abu age 12, Emmanuel age 11(PAID). Tonny age 8,
Ronald K age 13(PAID) Gideon Hope age 3, Daudi

Betty age 11, Sarah age 12(PAID), Joanita age 7(Paid), Patricia age 6 (PAID),
Patience age 12(PAID), Oliver age 11(PAID)!. Gloria, Maureen age 12(PAID),
Scovia age 12(paid), Mary age 10(PAID), Maria age 13 (PAID) Juliana age 13.

I'll add the rest of the names after the kids listed above get shoes! Paid will be put by their names when someone buys them shoes!
Photos of some of the kids with their names and ages are at the bottom of the blog

Feb 5, 2010 9:50am

Here's photos of 2 boxes that were sent to the kids in Nov and just arrived with
the past 2 weeks. The camera that was used to take photos was in one box along with lots clothes, toys and candy! Thanks to all who sent money to buy these items!
As you can see the kids are happy!


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