Sept 28, 6:36pm Raised $156 So far! Keep the donations coming! Hopefully we will meet our goal! Sept 28, 2:30pm UPDATE WE'RE UP TO $132 SO FAR! WOW. THE KIDS WILL BE SO HAPPY AND SURPRISED WITH THEIR GIFTS! THANKS EVERYONE! UPDATE!!! Sept 26 9:22am I've started a chip in page to raise funds for the kids. I want them to have a nice Christmas. We've raised $30 far. For some reason it does not show up on Chip in. Maybe because some people click donate instead of Chip in. So that's $30 of around $550 that I'd to raise. The kids need a few more mattresses and shoes etc. The also need more nutrious food. Sept 13, 1022pm These are some of the kids from the Home. Hope you enjoy the video. Feel free to comment if you like it. Thanks to ALL who have donated to the kids so far!
Auntie's Angels Inc. is an American Charity and registered 501c3 that provides support to Schools in Mbiko, Uganda. Our EIN 45-1830787
do they have a main site?