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Showing posts from October, 2009

Annamani Clothes For Christmas

Nov, 19,09 2:18pm $380 is the total for Annamani! Keep the Donations Coming! Nov 9, 2:50pm Our Total for the Annamani Clothes Fund is now $355. Some donations were given through other ways not through "Chip In". Only $205 is needed to give all the kids an outfit including shoes! Will you consider giving? Any amount is so greatly appreciated! Nov,5 2:11pm We've had over 600 views on this blog and if everyone who visits the blog just Donates $1 we would reach our goal! Will you consider giving just $1? The kids need all the Help they can get! Thanks! Our total is now $305. Some donations were given through other ways not "Chip In." UPDATE Oct 24, 9:51am Our total for the Annamani Christmas Clothes Fund is at $190. Some donors paid through paypal instead of Chip In. We still need your help to reach the goal. Will you consider giving a few dollars? Be sure to watch all the videos below and you will see how needy the kids are! This Video is of Durga Annamani the orph...